
artwork Sergey Kolesov | Astrosuka
#umweltKapital is an ongoing trilogy, the first installment was a new media based opera commissioned by the New Opera Festival of Buenos Aires. Based on the concepts of Das Kapital by Karl Marx and on the work of the pioneer in ethology and cybernetics of life Jakob Von Uexküll. The opera constructs a scenic universe in relation to both texts, taking as a perspective the creation of value and the production of goods in the context of a growing computerization of the living and the creation of new production systems based on intelligent automation.
#UmweltKapital proposes a staging process in which all the ontological and material aspects that shape the perceptual worlds of the performers are molded around the ability to detect and produce biosemisis and techno-capital. The consciousness of these performers as semi-techno-animals has been built from these premises. How they create and exchange meaning and goods, how they build feelings to relate to each other in complex virtual networks of goods and digital representations of value.
The concepts of Ghost, spirit and spectrum in Marx are fundamental for the construction of the narrative developed by all the characters and beings, as well as the spaces and territories. All have a transitive dynamic between the material and the abstract in the construction of technical, life and merchandise flows.
In the work the instances of matter and language that construct individuals are splinters of a larger environmental being. In this scenario, the consciousness housed in biological, artificial, individual or collective beings is diffuse. The objective of the piece is to expose these contradictions and generate narrative, sound and performative experiences that challenge this transition.
The performance consists of pre-recorded audiovisual scenes, 3D animations and a live performance performed by 3 performers on a stage / auditorium.
These 3 elements are mixed live by the 3 performers who develop the scenes in the auditorium.
#umweltKapital was performed 3 times live through streaming events the 09/25, 10/02 and 10/03.

Live Streaming Stills
// Performers
Florencia Kurch | https://florenciacurci.com/ | portfolio
Analog & electronic percussion, movement & live video.

Sergey Kolesov | astrosuka.com |
Live electronics, real-time voice processing, vocoders design, movement & live video.
Agustín Genoud | agustingenoud.cc |
Regie. Voice & Live electronics performance, programming y live video system.