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Agustin Genoud (1984 – Argentina, Baradero)
Performer, musician and academic in the fields of contemporary voice and posthumanism. I build systems and design processes that expand and transform vocal production. I produce expanded voice techniques that modulate and interfere with the sounds humanly assigned to the vocal tract through machinic and animalistic gestures. I facilitate collective spaces such as workshops and practices on processes of dehumanization of the voice and vocal and sound deterritorialization.
I was commissioned with opera pieces for the New Opera Festival (#UmweltKapital - 2020), the Queer Art Festival (Ópera Periférica - 2021), and an hour-long radio art piece in the Radio Art Residency Weimar (2023 - Given by Deutschlandfunk Kultur with Experimentellen Radios der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and Goethe-Institut).
I received the Music & Sound scholarship for the Berliner Künstler*programm des DAAD 2024.
I was heard and gave workshops at: Documenta 15 (Kassel), Bauhaus Universität (Weimar), MusicMakersHacklab @CTM Festival (Berlin), Festival Ruido (Bs. As.), Wavefarm (New York), Tsonami sound art festival (Valparaíso), PROA 21 (Bs. As.), Sonandes sound art biennial (La Paz), Festival No-Convencional (Bs. As.),Terén pole performativního umění (Brno), Studio für Elektroakustische Musik (Weimar), Razzmattazz (Barcelona), Búnker (Torino), International Festival of Experimental Music (Sao Paulo), Sound Art Center (Bs. As), CCK (Bs. As.), Centro Experimental del Teatro Colón (Bs. As), among other places.
I teach and research at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes (New Media Department) & Universidad Tres de Febrero (Sound Art Specialization). I’ve conducted workshops, talks and presentations in Freie Universität (Berlin), Bauhaus Universität (Weimar), Studio für Elektroakustische Musik (Weimar), Metabody Symposium (Santiago de Chile ), University of Technology – Faculty of Fine Arts (Brno, Czechia).