Radical Sounds Latin America is an online platform and yearly festival that explores new and exciting Latin American music. The festival creates a space that celebrates plurality, exchange, collaboration, experimentation, and research while addressing questions of identity, colonialism, and migration through music.
The first edition of Radical Sounds took place on the 12th of October 2019 in MONOM, Berlin’s experimental performance venue and 4DSOUND spatial sound studio located at the historic Funkhaus Berlin. It was a future-oriented musical encounter that included live performances, panels, and workshops.
I collaborate in the edition of the festival with an article called “Cannibalistic Vocalities. Post-human Vocal Politics”. Based on my ongoing research in Vocal practices, vocal workshops, post-humanism and new materialisms.
You can buy the book or read/download the article with another great material from Aleyda Rocha Sepulveda, Carlos Colmenares Gil, Daniela Medina Poch, Donovan Adrián Hernández Castellanos, José Cláudio S. Castanheira, Louise M. Hisayasu, Luis Alvarado, Pedro J S Vieira de Oliveira, Rodrigo Toro, Susan Campos Fonseca.
The book was edited by Alejandra Luciana Cárdenas and published by Radical Sounds Latin America in Berlin, Germany.